Friday, March 30, 2007

I am a birder

Yes, Holly, I admit it! I am a bird watcher (& squirrel too). And not only do I watch them, but I cater to them! It is almost funny!
I am convinced that you would too if you had cool birds to watch.
We have a gaggle (what do you call a group of quail?) of quail that live in our pine tree in the front yard. The crack me up just watching them scuffle across the yard. The quail like bird seed, in the rocks and dirt so they can scratch it out. So I feed them in the rocks.
We have at least 2 blue birds but I think that there's more like 3 or 4 but I have only seen 2 at a time, they like peanuts. I toss out a handful of peanuts every other day or so and watch them come down and peck them open and eat the nuts or take them with, apparently they stock up (according to Backyard Habitat). And then our newest addition the red breasted robin, now the robin like fruit, so you guessed it, I throw our almost day old fruit out and enjoy their company for days! We have a few doves that come by every so often. Not only do I feed them, I watch them from our windows for several minutes at a time, I turn the sprinklers on and watch them play in the water, and I even scare the cats away who threaten them! The squirrell he just comes out when there is food and first thing in the morning, he scares me though. Our coolest bird we have had was a red tailed hawk in our back yard, I tried to sneak up on it to take a picture.....yeah you can't sneak up on a hawk! :)
You have to laugh! Pretty funny huh? I keep telling Don that I feed them because when times of Armageddon come at least we have juicy plump quail in our tree that we can feast on!
Pictures to follow of my pets! :)

1 comment:

Me said...

Bird watching. a phenomenon I will never understand.
maybe I could learn to love the vegas pigeons & want to watch them, too.